NEC Call For Interview Tanzania 2025
State Election Officer announces that the applicants for the positions of assistant registrars and Biometric machine operators selected on the applications for the positions of assistant registrars and Biometric machine operators for the exercise of updating the permanent register of voters are called for interview.
In addition, along with this advertisement, you must bring an original certificate of the fourth form, birth certificate, smart phone or computer training certificate. The list of applicants called for interview is attached in PDF below;
NEC Call For Interview Tanzania 2025
In 1991, the former President of the United Republic of Tanzania, the late Ali Hassan Mwinyi, appointed the Commission under the chairmanship of the late retired Chief Justice Francis Nyalali.
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The purpose of the Commission was to collect the opinions of the people on continuing with the one-party system or having a multi-party political system. As a result of the Commission’s report, Article 3(1) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania in 1977, was amended to make Tanzania a multi-party system.