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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Rural Radio Support Survey

BBC Media Action

BBC Media Action is the international development charity of the BBC. Established in 1999, the organisation seeks to reduce poverty and provide information to people around the world, through media programmes and campaigns that inspire and inform. Since its foundation, BBC Media Action has worked in developing and transitional countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe on projects that deal with issues of health, resilience, governance, education, environment, livelihoods, and emergency response.


The Rural Radio Support (RRS) project, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) aims to support rural radio stations in Tanzania to improve their production capacity, increase their income and develop sustainable approaches to their work. This two-year project (started in July 2022) works with 12 rural radio stations across Tanzania. The project serves both direct and indirect beneficiaries. The direct beneficiaries are media practitioners, managers, owners, and staff at supported rural radio stations who received training, mentoring and other capacity-strengthening support. Indirect beneficiaries are the audiences of these partner stations. The impact on direct beneficiaries is evaluated through a capacity-strengthening study, while this quantitative survey will assess the impact on indirect beneficiaries. For this survey, there are three indicators to measure the impact of project intervention on indirect beneficiaries: –

  • The partner radio stations combined reach.
  • Percentage of male and female audiences who report improved relevance of media content produced by local/rural radio partners.
  • Percentage of local male and female audiences who report improved quality of media content produced by local/rural radio partners.

As part of measuring project achievements, informing capacity-strengthening efforts and identifying areas for future intervention, BBC Media Action would like to conduct an audience survey across 15 regions in Tanzania where the partner radio stations operate. This survey will provide comprehensive endline information about media consumption patterns, listenership of radio stations and audience perceptions on radio and programming after mentorship training provided to partner radio stations as part of this project for ten (10) radio stations and baseline information for one (1) radio and understanding reach of one mature radio station.

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The full proposal should be no more than 20 pages, including technical and financial components. The proposal should be written in a font no smaller than 11 points. Annexes may be included with the proposal and will not count against the 20-page maximum limit. Proposals submitted in response to this RFP should address the three project indicators set out in this brief and should be written in English.

The proposal should be sealed and submitted in hand at the BBC Media Action office in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. The full Request for Proposals should be obtained through this email:

DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS SUBMISSION: 23rd July 2024 Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.