Gov Job Opportunities | Watendaji wa Vijiji at Rufiji DC

Regional Governments and Local Authorities are a full ministry which is under the Presidency and managed by the Minister of State assisted by two deputies as managers. There is also the Secretary General who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Government's activities.


One of the tasks of this Ministry is to coordinate all regional development plans with Local Authorities under the presidential office. The administration of this Ministry is under the Minister who is also a member of the Cabinet of Tanzania.

The Ministry is responsible for regional development in all regions and districts, especially in ensuring that the infrastructure of each area in the construction of roads and buildings continues, and at the appropriate level.

Rufiji is one of the six districts of the Pwani Region of Tanzania. It is bordered to the north by the Kisarawe and Mkuranga Districts, to the east by the Indian Ocean, to the south by the Lindi Region and to the east by the Morogoro Region.

Job Opportunities Watendaji wa Vijiji at Rufiji DC