New Jobs at Njombe Region

Njombe Region was established on 1st March 2012 and was announced in the Official Gazette No.9 under order No.72. In executing the power conferred to the President by the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania Article 2(2),


Njombe region was established after the President’s decision of regionalising Iringa region into two regions of Njombe and Iringa. The Region is divided into four Districts namely Njombe, Wanging’ombe, Makete and Ludewa. Also there are six Local Government Authorities namely Njombe and Makambako Town Councils, Njombe, Makete, Wanging’ombe and Ludewa District Councils.The Region is located in Southern Highlands Zone which comprises of Ruvuma, Iringa, Mbeya, Njombe and part of Morogoro Regions.  It borders Iringa Region in the north, Morogoro Region in the east and Ruvuma Region in the South. The Republic of Malawi via Lake Nyasa and part of Mbeya Region borders Njombe Region in the north-west, while in the west the borders are shared with Mbeya Region again.  

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The Region lies between latitude 080 50’ and 10030’ South of the equator and between longitude 330 45’ and 350 45’ East of Greenwich.

We invites Several Tanzanians To fill the below job vacancies please download pdf file